25 apr. 2014

Gästrecensent har testat Take on Mars!

Take on Mars är ett spel där man skickar maskiner som man kör runt på Mars och samlar in prover från olika saker så som stenar, sand. Man kan uppgradera sina maskiner i "Techtree". Där kan man göra dom större, bättre och starkare batteri så man kan köra runt längre. Även solpaneler kan man fixa till. Detta spelet är i Alpha stadiet så den är inte färdigutvecklad ännu.

Själv tycker jag detta spelet är roligt. Finns många olika uppdrag man ska klara för att få mer poäng så man kan uppgradera sina saker.  Man måste även tänka sig för lite innan man gör sina drag.

Enligt mig är det värt 13.99 Euro. (På Steam)

/Gästbloggare Peter aka soddan89

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hello Soddan89 and geekywonderland! Im from US and just wondering if you could write in english too? would love to see what swedish people thinks of simulators and i have seen that you write some stuffs about them. If you are going to continue to write about simulators please write english too and also write when you publish the next one! :) /Jane

    1. Hi! And thanks for your comment! Nice to have some visitors from abroad :) Yes of course we can write in English as well, we just thought that only Swedes visited here, so that's just a positive thing (to get some international fame har har..)

      The thing is that we don't really plan ahead what we write about and it's usually quite spontaneous stuff that we find interesting or have tried/seen, so the best way to get updated is to follow the blog with RSS-feed or via bloglovin or Google Friend Connect (or some other way) But we'll keep in mind that simulator games are of interest!

      Anyhoo soddan89 gives his regards and here's a translation of Take on Mars for you:

      Take on Mars is a game where you send machines to the planet Mars. You drive around and collect samples from various things, such as rocks and sand. You can upgrade your machines in a ”Techtree”, where you make a bigger, better and stronger battery, so you can drive around on Mars for a longer time. You can also have a solar panel. This game is still in alpha stage, so it's not fully developed yet. Personally I think the game is fun. There's a lot of quests to get more points for upgrades. Some quest are quite tricky and you need to put some extra thought into them. According to me it's worth the 13.99 euro on Steam.

      Lots of looove from Soddan89 and Geeky


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